Worthington Christian School Parent Blog

Let the Little Children Come to Me

Written by Shelley Brannan | May 14, 2020 12:48 AM

Being quarantined with two rambunctious little boys and a nursing ‘round the clock newborn has been equal parts wonderful and exhausting. The gift of togetherness has been such a blessing to us as we’ve transitioned to a family of five and learned our new normal along with the rest of the world.

But with all of the togetherness comes some friction. Surely I’m not alone here. With no school, no play dates, no regular routine, and no escape to Target- we’ve all grown a little weary and a lot tired from constant discipline. Some days have felt like I’m pouring from an empty cup. 

One afternoon on a walk around the neighborhood, Ryan and I agreed to pray specifically for wisdom on how to better parent during this pandemic. The growing restlessness in the boys and the mounting frustration in us had to change. As my mind searched for solutions on how to help us thrive and not just survive this quarantine, I remembered how Jesus sought after wisdom and solace…   

He prayed.

He withdrew to lonely places and prayed (Luke 5:16). He went up on the mountain by himself and prayed (Matthew 14:23). He spent the whole night in prayer (Luke 6:12). He prayed in a secluded place (Mark 1:35). He spent the last hours of His life praying in the Garden (Matthew 26:36). 

Though the alone time my soul craves is nearly impossible to come by during this quarantine, I can still follow in the footsteps of Jesus and pray. It is here, at the feet of my Good Shepherd, that I find greener pastures. It’s here that He gently restores my soul with Truth:

  • I need His guidance in order to lead and mother my children well.
  • I must first be discipled by my Father in order to effectively discipline. 
  • I must first know the comfort of His rod and staff before I can correct disobedience. 
  • I need to be fed by His Word before I can provide spiritual nourishment for my boys. 

No matter how full (or empty) your lap or schedule or heart may be, none of us can pour out love and grace and kindness until we are first filled by Him. “Let the little children come to me” is an invitation and prayer for the old and young alike.

[Editor's Note: This is an adaptation of a blog post that originally appeared on the "Hope for Her" ministry blog written by Shelley Brannan. If you'd like to learn more about her ministry and read more of her writings, make sure to check out her website.]