Worthington Christian School Parent Blog

Getting a Smart Start to Middle School

Written by Ruth Beschta | Aug 15, 2019 5:00 PM

Transitioning from fifth grade to sixth grade is a big jump. There are usually many adjustments that new middle schoolers must make as they make this transition. They may be changing classes for the first time, dealing with a locker for the first time, learning how to interact with several teachers instead of just one or a few, grappling with more challenging class content, navigating new social dynamics and much more.

Here are a few ways to help your tween get a start smart to middle school:

Stay involved.

Parents often think that it is time to step back from being involved with their child's schoolwork now that they are in middle school. While middle school is a great time to help your child begin to take ownership of their education, most children at this stage still need some encouragement. If your child’s school has a web portal that posts grades and assignments, check it often and discuss it with your student. If your child is getting it done on their own, step back.

Develop good habits.

Encourage your middle schooler to use an assignment book.  Have them write something for each class each day, even it there is no assignment.  You can check the assignment book when they get home to hold them accountable.  Good habits do not come naturally for most kids -- they need to be taught and trained!

Allow failure.

If your middle schooler gets in trouble--misses an assignment, forgets to study for a test, etc.--don't protect them from the consequences of that mistake. Failure is a great teacher!

Partner with teachers.

Partner with your child’s teachers. If you have a concern, don't hesitate to send an email and ask for a conference, or even just initiate a phone conversation to discuss your concerns.


Kids become more independent when they get to middle school and that frightens lots of parents as they feel like they are losing control.  This is a good time to ramp up your prayer life!  Pray lots for your middle schooler, their teachers and friends, their academics, and for you as well!