Worthington Christian School Parent Blog

4 Fun Ways to Keep Your Preschooler Engaged At Home

Written by Worthington Christian School | Apr 24, 2020 1:00 AM

Certain moments and seasons of life require that we stay home more than is typical. In my case, more than me or my people would like! Staying in because of inclement weather, illness, or any other reason typically requires a bit more creativity in keeping young troops from getting too restless. Sometimes I struggle to drum up this creativity. I am so thankful for the myriad of free, online education resources and activities available, but I do occasionally find myself slipping into what feels like a black hole of trying to find the right activities. So I asked three Kindergarten teachers what activities they recommend for parents and preschoolers spending extra time at home. Here are some of their suggestions, along with related links that I've sifted through...

Go on a Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger hunts not only get our littles up and moving with purpose, they are also great for teaching kids to notice things. An indoor scavenger hunt is a fun way for kids to view their normal surroundings a bit differently. When the weather cooperates, take the hunt outside and look for things in your neighborhood.     

Create an Obstacle Course

Homemade obstacle courses are another fun way to keep littles active and engaged. There are lots of examples indoor and outdoor DIY obstacle courses online. If you have one of those collapsible play tunnels, a few sports cones and some pool noodles, there are myriad possibilities. I personally do not own any of those things, so yesterday I took our couch cushions, a couple of small slides, a basketball and hoop, and some stuffed animals and made up my own...my kids were thrilled. 

For indoor obstacle course ideas, check out this dad-approved indoor obstacle course example. If the weather cooperates, an obstacle course can be created with nothing but sidewalk chalk and some paved space. 

Make a Fairy Garden

Confession: I had to Google "fairy garden" to figure out what that is after reading it as a recommendation from the Kindergarten teachers I consulted. From what I gather, fairy gardens are small manicured garden spaces, that often include small ornate plants and figurines or decorations. If you don't feel like going to great lengths to collect these particular elements (that may or may not be scattered all over the back yard by small hands), collect things in nature with your little and make your own preschooler fairy garden. Moss, twigs, small plants or seedlings, one of the dozens of tiny doll toys floating around the house, rocks to paint, etc. can all be gathered together in a big pot or corner of the backyard to create a fun little play space for your child. If you, like me, have no idea what this is all about or you want more ideas, check out this example of a DIY kid-friendly fairy garden

Connect with Nature

In addition to the scavenger hunts mentioned above, there are lots of ways to engage preschoolers in nature. (Some of this outdoor exploring is weather dependent, but it can be a fun family challenge to get outdoors even in the winter!)

  • Look for animals. Talk about what food they eat, where they find water, etc. to practice identifying their needs and habitat. 
  • Re-create an animal's habitat using things found in nature.
  • See how many different kinds of leaves, seeds, blossoms you can find. Depending on your child's academic level (and your interest in seeds), you can check out Scholastic's five-day lesson plan on seeds
  • Pick two leaves or flowers and name all the things that are the same and different about them.
  • Play I Spy, hiking edition. Put a forest-focused twist on this classic kids game to practice using nature vocabulary and observation skills.
  • Read a book outside together! This can make stories like these springtime-focused picture books come to life.

This is certainly not an exhaustive list of at-home activities to do with your preschoolers, but hopefully you've discovered a new idea or two to spark your imagination and inspire something fun that you can enjoy with your young one!