Navigating Your Child's Education: Ages 3-K

Dr. Larry Taylor

With many years in Christian education as a teacher, coach, and administrator, Dr. Larry Taylor currently serves as the President of the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). He is also the author of the parenting book "Running with the Horses." He and his wife Delinda have five adult sons.
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Intentional Parenting

By Dr. Larry Taylor on Apr 7, 2022 8:00 PM

Early one Monday morning as a principal, the Holy Spirit grabbed my attention. It was a Monday like any other during that season of my life. I went into my school's staff lounge to place yellow slips into the mailboxes of teachers that had not yet submitted their lesson plans for that week. I'll never forget: as I placed a yellow slip into one math teacher's mailbox this particular morning, it was as if the LORD stopped me and said (though not audibly), "Larry, where is your plan? You want your teachers to have lesson plans, but where is your plan for your own life, your spiritual development, your marriage, your parenting, and the discipleship of your own children?"  

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