Navigating Your Child's Education: Grades 1-5

Linda Hall

Linda served as Media Specialist and Librarian at Worthington Christian Elementary School for many years. She previously taught first grade for 12 years and fifth grade for five years. With a masters degree in Language Arts, she has also worked as a private reading tutor for nearly two decades. She is passionate about students' acquisition and development of language, especially the written word.
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Words of Wisdom on Reading

By Linda Hall on Jul 31, 2019 10:00 AM

Language is such a huge gift that God has given us. I begin every school year the same as I did in all my years of teaching reading and writing...with a question.

Do you think God is interested at all in language? Do you ever wonder if He thinks good reading habits are important to attain?

Of course the answer is YES! He spoke with words and talked to Adam in the garden in the very beginning of it all! It is so exciting to see the emphasis our Heavenly Father placed on these skills. He has inspired the most popular book to be written for our encouragement and understanding. It is so much about who God is! As we practice reading and writing, we are enhancing a part of us that pleases the Father so that our communication with Him and the people He created becomes more effective.

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