Navigating Your Child's Education: Ages 3-K

4 min read

Benefits of Dance for Young Children

By Jill Storey on Jan 5, 2023 8:00 PM

Dancing is often considered an activity for a select few, namely those who have a natural ability for creative movement, those who are graceful, and those who gravitate towards music and have an innate sense of rhythm. In recent years, youth dance has also been portrayed in a certain way thanks to media exposure such as the popular Lifetime television series "Dance Moms." These platforms cast dance as a dramatic, competitive, and even sexualized activity for children and youth, especially girls. Through my experience as a dancer and dance instructor for the last 15 years, I have come to see that these two basic understandings of dance--that it is for a select few and that it is largely dramatic and competitive--are misconceptions worth dispelling.

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4 min read

Teaching Kids 'Tricks'

By Worthington Christian School on Jan 27, 2022 8:35 PM

It is so beneficial when parents of young students have some "tricks" up their sleeves and can teach and reinforce social-emotional skills at home and in life situations. There are lots of practical ways to help children navigate everyday interactions and feelings. Here are a few of the most common and needed "tricks" that help young students on their journey toward social-emotional health and intelligence:

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4 min read

Oral Health and School Readiness

By Dr. Joel Richards on Feb 4, 2021 8:00 PM

There’s a lot of information to consider with your child’s ability to be ready for school and the new social dynamics it brings. Many questions and hesitations may pop in your mind. Is my child ready, or will they forever be laying in their floating carriage while in cute pajamas like Baby Yoda? Well, maybe you’re not thinking about your little padawan that way. You’re probably thinking about their emotional and social interaction skills, and aptitude for developing basic language, math, and general knowledge. Can your child perform basic tasks like using utensils and crayons, or even brush their teeth? How is their overall health, and have you considered their oral health? Did you know dental health may influence your child’s school readiness and academic success?

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