Navigating Your Child's Education: Grades 9-12

Emily Johnson

Emily currently serves as a seventh-grade English teacher at Worthington Christian School. With a degree in Integrated Language Arts and Communication Studies from Capital University, she specifically desires for students to take ownership of their information intake and communication through reading and writing with purpose.

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What Parents Need to Know about Plagiarism

By Emily Johnson on Oct 27, 2022 8:00 PM

In our world today, we can share posts with the click of a button. We can copy a picture from Google images and use it in a variety of ways. There are endless images and words on the internet, and it is all so easily shareable. I don't think that giving appropriate credit for work, ideas, or words is emphasized. For young people, this shareable world is the only one they've known, and this reality presents a particular challenge as they grow into the middle and high school years: plagiarism. That is, using someone else's words or ideas without giving proper credit. 

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