Navigating Your Child's Education: Ages 3-K

6 min read

Preschool Speech and Language Development: What Parents Need to Know

By Kim Crowley on Oct 15, 2020 8:00 PM

As a certified Speech and Language Pathologist for the last 20 years, I have witnessed time and time again the importance of communication development at an early age. I have also seen how children are adversely affected by delayed communication development.

Speech and language skills not only make life easier in the preschool years with increased ease in communication between children and caretakers, these skills (or the absence of them) have a big impact on a child's literacy and overall academic experience. As parents, we are likely familiar with the frustration of not being able to understand our littles, but the frustration will not stop there if speech and language development are not given priority as young ones prepare for formal schooling. Consider this example: if a child cannot tell a simple story out loud as an incoming Kindergartener or first-grader, how will they be able to write a story?

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4 min read

Will You Be My Friend? Fostering Social Skills in Preschoolers

By Aubre Rice on Sep 24, 2020 8:00 PM

"That's MINE!"

"You're not my friend anymore."

"I had it first."

"No one will play with me."

As parents of preschoolers, you've likely heard some of this language. As we think about formal schooling (preschool and Kindergarten) for our littles, we likely think first of the ABC's and 123's, the art activities that teach colors and shapes, name-writing practice--basic building blocks of an education. But one thing that may be easily overlooked at this age is the development of social skills.

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7 min read

Ten Beautifully Diverse Books for Preschoolers

By Worthington Christian School on Aug 27, 2020 9:00 PM

As I scan news headlines and scroll through social media feeds, my heart grows increasingly heavy for the world in which I’m raising my two littles. The violence and division that stem from issues of race and justice are particularly weighty. This heaviness has caused me to examine my own attitudes and actions regarding racial reconciliation and justice and forced me to consider how this impacts my parenting.

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