Navigating Your Child's Education: Ages 3-K

3 min read

Is My Child Ready for Kindergarten?

By Jennifer Denorme on Feb 20, 2020 9:00 PM

This is a question that crops up in the minds of preschool parents each spring as the next school year is on the horizon. A child’s age is often the initial consideration for kindergarten enrollment (the state of Ohio mandates that a child must be enrolled in school by the age of 6), but there are so many factors to consider as we as parents and educators try to determine true readiness.

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7 min read

Nine Books to Read with Your Preschooler this February

By Worthington Christian School on Feb 4, 2020 9:00 PM

February is the worst month of the year, according to my husband (an Ohio native). The cold, cloudy days of winter seem to drag on and threaten to keep Spring from ever arriving.

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3 min read

Preschool Song Ring

By Aubre Rice on Jan 23, 2020 9:00 PM

One of my favorite things to do every morning is visit the two-year old classroom at the early childhood education center where I work. They greet me with big smiles and out-stretched arms. At the beginning of the year I realized quickly that to bond with these little ones I needed to find something to do with them each day that would be our “thing.” It would be our special time to do something that we all love to do together. A time that they would look forward to each day. That “thing” ended up being singing, but it didn't come easily at first.

The benefits of singing with preschoolers are undeniable, and the memories made through sharing childhood songs are sweet. But I had to come up with a creative solution to overcome some communication barriers in order to make this time truly memorable and impactful for these littles...

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